Ethos' mission is to provide schools with creative, dynamic, and entertaining tools for creating a positive school culture.

Tools We Offer

Team-building Activities

Sometimes you just need a fun day out of the classroom with crazy, silly, and fun games. Ethos can do that! But even better, Ethos can provide you with activities that help shape your school's culture towards the goals you have for your school community.

Ethos has developed team-building games which are not only engaging and fun, but also specifically tailored to develop character goals like teamwork, empathy, communication skills, leadership, and courage.

Our team not only facilitates these activities, but also uses the Socratic method to coach team skills as students progress through the challenges. These activities are particularly helpful in engaging teens who may not thrive in the typical classroom learning environment and are great for discovering and encouraging unseen talents in students.

Programs we offer include:

  • All-day, large group (100+ participants) teambuilding activities
  • 30-45 minute assembly activities (can be energy generating, icebreaking, or simple teambuilding)
  • 10-15 minute quick-hitting activities for the classroom setting to help spark trust and creativity

Assembly Presentations

Talking about things like mental health can be painful and vulnerable. That’s why many youth (especially the ones who need it the most) seem to disengage whenever the topic comes up. But things like music, humor, and magic can help soften defenses and open hearts.

Ethos provides assembly presentations with dynamic speakers who incorporate things like comedy, skits, music, and magic illusions.

Presentations are built to be fun, engaging, and impacting. These talks aren’t meant to solve issues; they’re designed to start conversations, destigmatize issues, and point students to long-term solutions. 

Presentations can be 30-45 minutes long and include:

  • Don't Stuff It: Why ignoring depression doesn't work and what to do about it (check out short snippet of the card magic in this talk by clicking here)
  • Gossip: The Gift That (Unfortunately) Keeps on Giving
  • Build Something Better:
    What is your tongue (and thumbs) creating? (a talk on bullying)
  • Or any other topic that needs to be addressed by your school community

Professional Development

There are thousands of voices bombarding students today. If teachers want to make an impact, it's absolutely essential that they develop their inter-generational relationship abilities. Much is offered to teachers in professional development of their academic teaching skills; less is available on how to impact students relationally.

Ethos offers a professional development program for teachers focused on cultivating richer student/teacher relationships.

At Ethos we believe that better inter-generational relationships between students and teachers lead to more engagement in the classroom, fewer disciplinary issues, and more impact in developing young leaders of character.

Sessions can include:

  • Winning the Hearts of Students: augmenting your inter-generational relationship skills
  • Being a Safe Person: What to do when a student in crisis reaches out to you
  • Relationships of Impact: Cultivating empathy for students in a harsh world

Contact Us

If you think Ethos could serve you and your campus community, please email us at or drop us a note below and we'd love to meet up. We'll bring the coffee and card tricks!